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Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation

Utilizing a Service Mesh for Edge Services in Smart Edge Open


Service mesh acts as a middleware between the edge applications/services and the Smart Edge Open platform that provides abstractions for traffic management, observability, and security of the edge micro-services in the mesh.

In the native Kubernetes deployment, the services are orchestrated by the Kubernetes controller and the consumer applications must decide which service endpoint they need to reach out according to the services information broadcasted on the Edge Application Agent (EAA) bus.

With the Service Mesh approach, the applications do not decide which service endpoint it should reach. Instead, it requests a service name that is translated and load-balanced by the service mesh. The service mesh manages the traffic routing and the service scale-up and down behind the scenes, and it adds more capabilities to the mix such as tracing, monitoring, and logging.

Smart Edge Open Service Mesh Enablement through Istio

Istio is a feature-rich, cloud-native service mesh platform that provides a collection of key capabilities such as: Traffic Management, Security and Observability uniformly across a network of services. Smart Edge Open integrates natively with the Istio service mesh to help reduce the complexity of large scale edge applications, services, and network functions. The Istio service mesh is deployed automatically through Converged Edge Experience Kits (CEEK) with an option to onboard the media analytics services on the service mesh.

Istio mandates injecting Envoy sidecars into the applications and services pods to become part of the service mesh. The Envoy sidecars intercept all inter-pod traffic, making it easy to manage, secure, and observe. Sidecar injection is automatically enabled to the default namespace in the Smart Edge Open cluster. This is done by applying the label istio-injection=enabled to the default namespace.

Video Analytics Service Mesh

Smart Edge Open Video Analytics services enable third-party consumer applications running on Smart Edge Open to perform video analytics and inferencing workloads by consuming the Video Analytics Serving APIs as described in the Smart Edge Open Video Analytics Services.

The proposed architecture with the video analytics use case is depicted in the graphic below:

Video Analytics Service Mesh Architecture

Figure - Video Analytics Service Mesh Architecture

Multiple instances of video analytics services can be provisioned in the cluster. These services are deployed in multiple flavors based on the supported multimedia frameworks (FFmpeg* and GStreamer*) and the available acceleration (CPU, HDDL, and VCAC-A).

In each deployment, three containers are created:

  • Video analytics serving gateway (VAS gateway): This is the actual video analytics serving container that exposes the consumable APIs for video analytics and inference.
  • Video analytics serving sidecar (VAS sidecar): This is the sidecar that creates and registers the service with the EAA internal service registry.
  • Envoy sidecar (istio-proxy): This is the sidecar proxy that is used for the service mesh plumbing. See Envoy Sidecars.

The service mesh framework takes care of provisioning, monitoring, and routing the traffic to various services endpoints.

Video Analytics Service Mesh Deployment

The media analytics services can be automatically deployed on the Istio service mesh using the CEEK. To do so, the entry ne_istio_enable in the file flavors/media-analytics/all.yml needs to be set to true. After running the script, the output should include the following pods in the default and istio-system namespaces on the cluster:

$ kubectl get pods -A
NAMESPACE      NAME                                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
default        analytics-ffmpeg-684588bb9f-4c9n4                            3/3     Running     1          5m44s
default        analytics-gstreamer-5789c96cbd-qwksw                         3/3     Running     1          5m44s
istio-system   istio-ingressgateway-5bfc5c665-hshbn                         1/1     Running     0          17m
istio-system   istiod-8656df74b4-kp584                                      1/1     Running     0          18m
istio-system   kiali-d45468dc4-65btj                                        1/1     Running     0          17m
istio-system   smi-adapter-istio-54b7c99755-sxfgd                           1/1     Running     0          15m

With Istio enabled in the media analytics services flavor, Istio creates two new Destination Rules in the service mesh. These Destination Rules enable Mutual TLS for each service, which enforces the need for any client attempting to connect to the services via the service mesh to also use the Mutual TLS mode. This prevents any client not using Mutual TLS from connecting with any of the media analytics services pods on the service mesh.

kind: DestinationRule
  name: destination-rule-analytics-ffmpeg
  namespace: default
  host: analytics-ffmpeg
      mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL
kind: DestinationRule
  name: destination-rule-analytics-gstreamer
  namespace: default
  host: analytics-gstreamer
      mode: ISTIO_MUTUAL

Authentication, Authorization & Mutual TLS enforcement

Mutual TLS is enforced by default in Smart Edge Open to enable authentication of all applications and services onboarded on the mesh.

To prevent non-mutual TLS for the whole mesh, the following PeerAuthentication policy is automatically applied to the default namespace in the Smart Edge Open cluster. This policy instructs Istio to strictly set the mutual TLS between all mesh applications and services running in the default namespace.

kind: PeerAuthentication
  name: default
  namespace: default
    mode: STRICT

With mutual TLS enabled, Istio is capable of applying authorization policies as designed by the cluster administrator. The below authentication policy is applied automatically by the video analytics service mesh. This policy instructs Istio to authorize all the authenticated applications to consume the analytics-ffmpeg service and to use its “GET”, “POST”, and “DELETE” methods.

kind: AuthorizationPolicy
  name: allow-analytics-ffmpeg
  namespace: default
      app: analytics-ffmpeg
  action: ALLOW
  - from:
    - source:
        principals: ["*"]
        namespaces: ["default"]
    - operation:
        methods: ["GET", "POST", "DELETE"]

In this AuthorizationPolicy, the Istio service mesh will allow “GET”, “POST”, and “DELETE” requests from any authenticated applications from the default namespace only to be passed to the service. For example, if using the Video Analytics sample application, the policy will allow requests from the sample application to be received by the service as it is deployed in the default namespace. However, if the application is deployed in a different namespace (for example, the smartedge-open namespace mentioned above in the output from the Kubernetes cluster), then the policy will deny access to the service as the request is coming from an application on a different namespace.

NOTE: The above AuthorizationPolicy can be tailored so that the Smart Edge Open service mesh selectively authorizes particular applications to consume premium video analytics services such as those accelerated using HDDL or VCAC-A cards.

Traffic Management

Istio facilitates the traffic management between the services running in the mesh, which can be done either directly over Istio’s API or through the Service Mesh Interface (SMI) that is standardized across various service mesh implementations. The SMI adapter must be compatible with the service mesh implementation to work properly.

The following examples are based on the BookInfo sample application that is shipped by default with the Istio software package. Deploying the BookInfo sample application turns up a couple of interconnected services as shown in this figure:

Book Info Sample Application

Figure - Book Info Sample Application

NOTE: By default, the Istio deployment namespace in Smart Edge Open is set to the default Kubernetes namespace where all the ingress traffic to the cluster is blocked by the default network policy block-all-ingress. At the time of writing this document, the Kubernetes NetworkPolicy does not support specifying port ranges that are needed by the BookInfo sample application. Therefore, as a workaround, the user should remove the network policy of the default namespace.

kubectl delete netpol block-all-ingress

NOTE: A known issue when deploying the BookInfo sample application with CentOS 7.6 is that the deployment pods may end up being not successful, i.e. reviews pods (all the three versions) get stuck in CrashLoopBack state. Create a patch file bookinfo-patch.yaml with the following contents:

      - name: reviews
        - name: WLP_OUTPUT_DIR
          value: /opt/output

Apply the patch to the three deployments: reviews-v1, reviews-v2 and reviews-v3, through the commands:

$ patch deployment reviews-v1 --patch "$(cat bookinfo-patch.yaml)"
$ patch deployment reviews-v2 --patch "$(cat bookinfo-patch.yaml)"
$ patch deployment reviews-v3 --patch "$(cat bookinfo-patch.yaml)"

External Access

Accessing a service endpoint in the mesh from outside the cluster is achieved by deploying the Ingress Gateway. The following Gateway specs are extracted from the sample BookInfo Gateway to demonstrate the concept of Ingress Gateway:

kind: Gateway
  name: bookinfo-gateway
    istio: ingressgateway
  - port:
      number: 80
      name: http
      protocol: HTTP
    - "*"
kind: VirtualService
  name: bookinfo
  - "*"
  - bookinfo-gateway
  - match:
    - uri:
        exact: /productpage
    - uri:
        prefix: /static
    - uri:
        exact: /login
    - uri:
        exact: /logout
    - uri:
        prefix: /api/v1/products
    - destination:
        host: productpage
          number: 9080

Now, the BookInfo web dashboard is accessible by any web browser at the address http://<CONTROLLER_IP>:<GATEWAY_PORT>/productpage. The <GATEWAY_PORT> is assigned dynamically and can be retrieved using the following command:

$ kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?("http2")].nodePort}'

Book Info Application Main Page

Figure - BookInfo Application Main Page

Load Balancing

Istio provides load balancing functionality to spread access to multiple service instances (different versions or replicas of the same version). There are two types of load balancers:

  • simple, which consists of the following variants: RANDOM, ROUND_ROBIN, and LEAST_CONN, or
  • consistentHash, while the simple constantly changes the reachable service instance according to a chosen algorithm, the consistentHash allows users to keep accessing the same service based on the consumer IP address or a magic keyword in the request header.

Round-robin load-balancer:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: bookinfo-load-balancer
  host: reviews
      simple: ROUND_ROBIN

Random load-balancer:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: bookinfo-load-balancer
  host: reviews
      simple: RANDOM

Load-balancer based on service consumer IP address:

kind: DestinationRule
  name: bookinfo-load-balancer
  host: reviews
        useSourceIp: true

Canary Deployment

Canary deployment is a technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new service version in production by gradually routing a percentage of the traffic to the new service instance before rolling it out to the entire service mesh and making it available to full consumption. This can be done with TrafficSplit structure according to the following example. The traffic is routed with a ratio of 5:1 between reviews-v1 and reviews-v2 back-end services:

kind: TrafficSplit
  name: reviews-rollout
  service: reviews
  - service: reviews-v1
    weight: 5
  - service: reviews-v2
    weight: 1

Canary Deployment with TrafficSplit

Figure - Canary Deployment with TrafficSplit

Fault Injection

Fault injection, in the context of Istio, is a mechanism by which failures can be purposefully injected into the service mesh to mimic how an application would behave in case failures or degradations are encountered. Application developers and cluster administrators can programmatically inject faults at the application layer instead of killing pods, delaying packets, or corrupting packets at the TCP layer. Istio provisions various APIs to perform fault injections such as delays, aborts, and circuit breakers to the application micro-services deployed in the Smart Edge Open cluster and to verify their resiliency.


Delays are timing failures such as network latency or overloaded upstreams. A sample rule for traffic delaying coming from the test user <username> can be injected by applying the following specification:

kind: <service-name>
  - ratings
  - fault:
        fixedDelay: 7s
          value: 100
    - headers:
          exact: jason
    - destination:
        host: ratings
        subset: v1


Aborts are crash failures such as HTTP error codes or TCP connection failures. Creating a fault injection rule for an HTTP abort is done by applying the following specification:

kind: <service-name>
  - ratings
  - fault:
        httpStatus: 500
          value: 100
    - headers:
          exact: jason
    - destination:
        host: ratings
        subset: v1
  - route:
    - destination:
        host: ratings
        subset: v1

Circuit Breaker

A simple circuit breaker can be set based on criteria for several failed connections or request limits. Creating a circuit breaker rule to limit the number of connections to a service is done by applying the following specification:

destination: reviews.default.svc.cluster.local
  version: v1
    maxConnections: 100

NGC Edge Control Plane Functions Enablement via Smart Edge Open Service Mesh

The Next-Gen Core (NGC) edge control plane functions are enabled via the Smart Edge Open service mesh as depicted in the graphic below.

The NGC functions—Application Function (AF), Network Exposure Function (NEF) and Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM)—are hosted on the service mesh where the externally exposed APIs of AF and OAM are accessible through the Ingress Gateway. All inter-function communications are secured with mutual TLS enabled. The rest of the NGC Network Functions externally reachable outside the Smart Edge Open cluster. More details on the NGC architecture can be found in the Edge Cloud Deployment with 3GPP 5G document.

Service Mesh for NGC

Figure - Service Mesh for NGC

When the Istio service mesh is enabled for the ngc namespace, the NGC functions (AF, NEF, and OAM) are deployed with the istio-proxy sidecar injected into their pods. Accordingly, all the traffic routed towards the NGC function pods is intercepted by the sidecar proxy as described in the following sections.

Traffic flow: Client → Istio Gateway

To access NGC function API’s (AF and OAM), the client request to the server using the hostname (afservice, oamservice) along with the port number exposed by the ingress gateway. Based on the Host header, traffic is forwarded to either AF or OAM container. Mutual TLS between gateway and client is enabled by default. The certificates for enabling mutual TLS is managed using kubectl secret. The following command adds the server-cert.pem, server-key.pem, and root-ca-cert.pem to the kubectl secret, which is used while creating istio ingress gateway.

$ kubectl create secret generic ngc-credential -n istio-system \
      --from-file=tls.key=/opt/openness/certs/ngc/server-key.pem \
      --from-file=tls.crt=/opt/openness/certs/ngc/server-cert.pem \

The root-ca-cert.pem is used to validate client certificates while the server-cert.pem and server-key.pem are used for providing server authentication and encryption. This below policy creates istio gateway with mutual TLS while using the ngc-credential secret created above.

kind: Gateway
  name: ngc-ingress-gateway
    istio: ingressgateway
  - port:
      number: 443
      name: https
      protocol: HTTPS
      mode: MUTUAL
      credentialName: ngc-credential
    - afservice
  - port:
      number: 443
      name: https
      protocol: HTTPS
      mode: MUTUAL
      credentialName: ngc-credential
    - oamservice

The above gateway can be configured to either use HTTP2 without TLS, HTTP2 with simple TLS, or HTTP2 with mutual TLS by changing value of port.protocol (HTTPS/HTTP/HTTP2) and tls.mode (SIMPLE, MUTUAL). Istio upgrades the traffic to HTTP2 by default if supported by the client. An istio virtual service ngc-vs is also created, which defines the routes from istio-ingress-gateway.

Traffic flow: Istio Ingress gateway → Istio-proxy (AF/OAM pods)

Istio ingress gateway after performing TLS handshake forwards the client request to afservice/oamservice, which is intercepted by the istio-proxy attached to the corresponding service.

Traffic flow: Between Istio-proxy and Microservices (AF/OAM/NEF/CNTF)

Microservice handles the incoming and outgoing requests. A request made by the service is intercepted by the istio-proxy, which performs encryption (mutual TLS) and forwards the request to the server. An incoming request to the microservice is intercepted by the istio-proxy, which decrypts the traffic and forwards it to the actual service container. Any decryption/encryption and client/server validation is performed by the istio-proxy only.

Traffic Flow: Between different istio-proxy containers

The traffic between the istio-proxy containers is fully encrypted by using mutual TLS. The below policy enforces mutual TLS for the traffic between different istio-proxy.

kind: PeerAuthentication
  name: ngc-mtls
  namespace: ngc
    mode: STRICT

Every workload in ngc namespace that has the istio-proxy sidecar attached is enforced to use mutual TLS. Any entity cannot access 5G APIs without authenticating via istio-proxy.

Prometheus, Grafana & Kiali integration

Prometheus* and Grafana* are deployed in Smart Edge Open platform as part of the Telemetry support in Smart Edge Open and are integrated with the Istio service mesh. When enabled in Smart Edge Open, Istio’s scraping endpoints are added to the Prometheus configuration file according to the Prometheus configuration guide.

Istio related metrics can be viewed on Grafana* dashboard by defining a filtration criteria such as istio_requests_total that displays all requests made through the service mesh. It can be narrowed down to a specific service version e.g: istio_requests_total{destination_service_name="reviews",destination_version="v1"} as shown in the following figure. The same approach can be done on Prometheus* dashboard. More details can be found in the Grafana section.

Grafana example metric

Figure - Grafana example metric rule for Istio

Kiali is deployed alongside Istio. More details on accessing the Kiali dashboard are covered in the Getting Started section.

When a properly configured Istio can provide Prometheus and Grafana with telemetry data. Examples showing how many times BookInfo micro-services were accessed.

Prometheus - all elements:

Istio Telemetry with Prometheus

Figure - Istio Telemetry with Prometheus

Grafana - only stats only for specific services: details, reviews-v1, and reviews-v3

Istio Telemetry with Grafana

Figure - Istio Telemetry with Grafana

Getting Started

Enabling Service Mesh through enabling the Service Mesh Role

Istio service mesh can be deployed with Smart Edge Open using the CEEK through the defined istio role. Istio role is enabled with setting parameter ne_istio_enable: true. Istio is installed with default profile by default (for Istio installation profiles refer to: The Istio management console, Kiali, is deployed alongside Istio with the default credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Nodeport set to 30001

The above settings can be customized by adjusting following parameters in the inventory/default/group_vars/all/10-default.yml:

# Istio deployment profile possible values: default, demo, minimal, remote
istio_deployment_profile: "default"
# Istio is deployed to "default" namespace in the cluster
istio_deployment_namespace: "default"
# Kiali 
istio_kiali_username: "admin"
istio_kiali_password: ""
istio_kiali_nodeport: 30001

To get the randomly generated password run the following command on Kubernetes controller: kubectl get secrets/kiali -n istio-system -o json | jq -r '.data.passphrase' | base64 -d

Prometheus and Grafana are deployed in the Smart Edge Open platform as part of the telemetry role and are integrated with the Istio service mesh.

To verify if Istio resources are deployed and running, use the following command:

$kubectl get deployments,pods,serviceaccounts -n istio-system
NAME                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway   1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/istiod                 1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/kiali                  1/1     1            1           2d21h
deployment.apps/smi-adapter-istio      1/1     1            1           2d21h
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/istio-ingressgateway-5bfc5c665-xl6tb   1/1     Running   0          2d21h
pod/istiod-8656df74b4-lfngv                1/1     Running   0          2d21h
pod/kiali-d45468dc4-448cg                  1/1     Running   0          2d21h
pod/smi-adapter-istio-54b7c99755-mllvx     1/1     Running   0          2d21h
NAME                                                  SECRETS   AGE
serviceaccount/default                                1         2d21h
serviceaccount/istio-ingressgateway-service-account   1         2d21h
serviceaccount/istio-reader-service-account           1         2d21h
serviceaccount/istiod-service-account                 1         2d21h
serviceaccount/kiali-service-account                  1         2d21h
serviceaccount/smi-adapter-istio                      1         2d21h

During Istio deployment, the default namespace is labeled with istio-injection=enabled

$kubectl describe ns default
Name:         default
Labels:       istio-injection=enabled
Status:       Active

Users can change the namespace labeled with istio label using the parameter istio_deployment_namespace

  • in flavors/media-analytics/all.yml for deployment with media-analytics flavor
  • in inventory/default/group_vars/all/10-default.yml for deployment with any flavor (and istio role enabled)

NOTE: The default Smart Edge Open network policy applies to pods in the default namespace and blocks all ingress traffic. Users must remove the default policy and apply custom network policy when deploying applications in the default namespace. Refer to the Kubernetes NetworkPolicies for an example policy allowing ingress traffic from subnet on a specific port.

Kiali console is accessible from a browser using http://<CONTROLLER_IP>:30001 and credentials defined in Converged Edge Experience Kits:

Kiali Dashboard Login

Figure - Kiali Dashboard Login

Enabling Service Mesh with the Media Analytics Flavor

The Istio service mesh is not enabled by default in Smart Edge Open. It can be installed alongside the video analytics services by setting the flag ne_istio_enable to true in the media-analytics flavor. The media analytics services are installed with the Smart Edge Open service mesh through the CEEK playbook as described in the Media Analytics section.

Enabling 5GC Service Mesh with the Core Control Plane Flavor

The Istio service mesh is integrated with the NGC core control plane and can be deployed through the pre-defined core-cplane deployment flavor in CEEK playbook as described in the Core Control Plane Flavor section. The Istio service mesh flag ne_istio_enable is enabled by default.
